Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Robins Class

Welcome to Robins Class. Our teacher is Miss Esteves .

Down On The Farm NewsletterKS1 Home-School Agreement

Here are some of the Activities from last years Robins Class

Spring Term

The Robins have had an amazingly busy start to the Spring Term! We have been looking at traditional tales such as The Three Little pigs, Red Riding hood and the Gingerbread Man. We have enjoyed role playing these stories.

In Literacy we have been working hard to blend new words and write simple sentences. We are good at taking our literacy skills into our discover and do time.

In numeracy we have been learning about number representations, we also played ordering number games from 0 to 10 and backwards from 10-0.

In geography we have been learning about space. We have learned so much about all the planets, especially planet Earth. We have explored Earth using Google Earth. We have had lots of fun making our planet printings using ballons and paint. They turned out awesome.

On Chinese New Year Day, we enjoyed learning the story of how the zodiac was named after the animals! Did you know 2024 is the year of the Dragon?

We had so much fun making Chinese lanterns and lucky envelopes and tasting Chinese dips and prawn crackers.

Autumn Term 2

Another term completed with success Robins!

It has been a busy one again and we have learnt lots of new things. We learnt about Diwali. We have learnt about the story of Guy Fawkes and celebrated bonfire night and Remembrance Day.

We have been continuing to learn our phonics and developing our numeracy.
We have learnt about materials and found objects around the classroom made from those materials. We looked at toys from the past and we had fun playing with some old toys. We also looked at other objects from the past and present and discussed why we though they might be from the past.

We had lots of fun making our own decorations for the school Christmas tree and the church Christmas tree. We enjoyed learning about advent and the Christmas story. We took part in the school nativity ‘Hosana Rock’, and we were very excited to perform it to all our grown-ups. We enjoyed Christmas dinner and especially Snowman party day.

Happy New Year to everyone from the Robins!

Autumn Term 1

WOW Robins you have had such a great first term!

We have enjoyed our maths this term, we have explored and discovered all about shapes, measures, matching and sorting and pattern making.

In RWI we have made great progress with learning our letter sounds, blending, and segmenting to read, spell and write. We are very proud of our handwriting and how far we have reached already.

We have had great fun practicing our ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’ song for the Harvest Festival Collective Worship, and then performing it to the whole school with our own scarecrow hat creation which was exciting.

We visited the church with the Ducks and learned all about the different features.

We have done lots of exploring outside, looking for autumnal changes. We went on an autumnal walk with the Ducks around the school grounds to explore the changes around the school trees. We learned about leaves changing colours and others fall off the trees. We then used natural resources to create ephemeral faces.

We have had great fun outside building dens to hide from creatures, dressing up as pirate and princesses and building train and car tracks to do races with the Ducks and hammering pumpkins!