Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Eagles Class

Welcome to Eagles Class. Our teacher is Mrs Scott.

World War One Newsletter KS2 Home-School Agreement

Here are some of the Activities from last years Eagles Class

Spring Term


After working with negative numbers, the children in Eagles Class transferred this knowledge to ‘real-life’ maths – bank statements!


Examining photographic evidence for our new topic, Ancient Egypt.


In art, the children were making ‘zines’ – booklets which express their thoughts and interests. They selected materials from newspapers, magazines, catalogues, stickers and stamps to collate images which reflect who they are.

Kestrels’ Courageous Advocacy:

Children in Eagles Class supported the Kestrels’ Class project by bringing in coins to add to the tree template and pebbles to decorate, which will then be place in the Walled Garden.

Magistrates Workshop:

On 7th February, pupils in Y6 enjoyed a Magistrates Workshop, delivered by an actual magistrate! This workshop was arranged through the Stay Safe Partnership. The classroom was set up to represent a courtroom and children were given various courtroom roles to carry out. Pupils had to hear the ‘case’ and decide upon the most appropriate ‘punishment’ for the ‘offender’.

Literacy: Poetry


Children explored Excel to create images. They learnt about Excel and its uses, about ‘cells’, how to select multiple cells, change the width of columns and rows and how to add borders.

Painting Stones:

In support of Kestrels’ Courageous Advocacy project, the children in Eagles painted stones, which will be placed in the Walled Garden.

PSHE - Choices & Consequences:

Children thought about actions and consequences of a range of scenarios which they may face in life.

World Book Day – March 7th, 2024:

Eagles Class fully embraced the World Book Day hat challenge. What creative children we have! We also listened to stories which reminded us of our younger years – ‘A Blast from the Past!’

Maths – Collaborative Learning:

Our children are so supportive of each other. Here they are, sharing their knowledge and understanding, to ‘teach’ each other! Fabulous collaborative learning.

Autumn Term 2

Eco-Warriors: Amelia & Gabija

School Councillor: Aleksander

House Captains:

Beech – Claudia & Sam

Willow – Jade & Spencer

Ash – Tyler & Amelia

Oak – Eva & Aleksander


Children have been looking at classification and the ways in which scientists group living things. They have studied the Linnaean system of classification.


In geography, we have been studying mountains. The children have looked at famous mountain ranges and their locations and the type of mountains, including how they are formed. They gathered data linked to temperature and precipitation in the Cambrian mountains (Wales) and produced graphs; they then made comparisons to local data.

In addition, children used 4 figure (area) references and 6 figure (grid) references to complete map work questions.


The children have studied many different mathematical concepts this term, but as it’s almost Christmas, we thought it was the perfect time to explore 3D nets and think about packaging for presents!

Competition Winner!

Gabija won the Holbeach District Council’s Christmas Card competition. Her prize was to switch on Holbeach’s Christmas light at the Christmas fayre on Saturday 2nd December. Well done, Gabija!


Children used their sewing skills to make their Christmas cards.

Autumn Term 1


We have been thinking about what we see on social media, whether all of it is ‘real’ and how this makes us feel.


We have looked at sources of evidence to help us think about why Britian won the ‘Battle of Britain’.


On 11th September, children in Y6 set off for a fun-filled, 3-day adventure at PGL. We were joined by our Year 6 friends from Deeping St. Nicholas. Everyone had an amazing time, despite the wet weather! All children were a credit to both schools. You can see what we got up to on our PGL page.


In RE, Eagles class have been studying Hinduism. They used the story of Rama & Sita to discuss the dharmas (duties) of each character.


After thinking about seasonality and celebration, the children designed and made their own bread.