Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Falcons Class

Welcome to Falcons Class. Our teacher is Mrs Ward.

World War One Newsletter KS2 Home-School Agreement

Here are some of the Activities from last years Falcons Class

Spring Term

Kestrels' Courageous Advocacy

World Book Day

Autumn Term 2

It has been another busy term for the Falcons and they have achieved such a lot in a short period of time. 
The focus this half term was Mountains. The children, through enquiry-based learning, found out about the different mountain ranges across the world, different types of mountains and why the Cambrian Mountains were important to Wales.
There were opportunities for cross-curricular work with the children writing newspaper reports on the disappearance of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine, and interpreting graphs on weather conditions in Cambrian Mountains and Holbeach.
They also enjoyed creating mountain scenes using coloured chalks and learnt how to play volleyball.
Finally, the Falcons loved taking part in Christmas jumper day and eating the Christmas lunch!!

Autumn Term 1

To start our new academic year, the first topic the children studied was The Battle of Britain. This involved the children examining and analysing sources of information to answer the question How did the UK win the Battle of Britain? The discussions the children had were very thoughtful and the children seemed to have learnt a lot from it.

In Literacy, we focused most of our work around the book and film of Goodnight Mister Tom.  The children wrote some fabulous pieces of writing on describing the setting of the opening scenes from the film and a diary entry imagining they were William Beech.   They also wrote a character analysis of Mr Tom Oakley and the writing they produced showed that the children had really understood his character.

The main focus of maths this half term was number and place value.  The children have risen to the challenge of their multiplication table challenges, with some of them now completing 120 questions in three minutes!

Alongside all of these, the children have also studied the circulatory system, studied Hinduism in RE and made bread in DT.  The bread went down particularly well!


You can see some our adventures on our PGL page.