Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Our Ethos and Values

‘In our happy, caring and safe school, our teachers will inspire learning, support us to achieve success and create lifelong values, characteristics and ambitions’

Our aims

Within a Christian ethos we aim to:

  • Promote a positive attitude to life-long learning, nurturing the development of selfesteem; leading to aspirational, independent learners that are prepared to be challenged and take risks in a diverse and ever changing world
  • Provide the children with valuable experiences and opportunities, through a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum, where learning is purposeful and fun
  • Use a variety of teaching strategies and resources effectively and creatively, encouraging each child to progress and attain to the highest possible standards, in relation to their age and ability
  • Strongly encourage parental involvement in the education of our children
  •  Demonstrate and foster respect for ourselves and others within the school and the global community
  • Encourage spiritual and moral values
  • Value each child as an individual within the school

Collective Worship

As a Church of England Aided School, Collective Worship is an important part of our school day. The school gathers each day to take part in collective worship based on a topic for each term. Parents will be invited to worship led by their children.

The Vicar or the curate visits the school each week, usually on a Tuesday, to talk to the children and lead our collective worship.

We visit the Parish Church regularly to celebrate the festivals and children visit the church to learn more about the building. 

Values Education Programme

In our inclusive and happy school, we make sure everyone feels welcomed, valued and valuable. Our shared Christian values give us a foundation of challenge and support, helping to make a positive change in the world, as we strive to create a community of respect and aspiration, preparing everyone for their future.

Our 4Rs are a set of principles which form the foundation for school life. We Respect and Care for:

  • Ourselves
  • Each other
  • The environment
  • Our learning

In order to behave in a way that shows we understand our 4Rs, we need a more comprehensive set of values.

Values can be a moral idea – where we get our sense of right or wrong, of what we ought to do, or how we should behave. Other values provide a feeling for what is good, helpful, important, useful, beautiful and desirable etc. Values drive our thinking and behaviour; we behave the way we do because of our values. These values help us grow into the people we become.

We have considered which values affect us most. We focus on six core values through collective worships and in other areas of the curriculum. These values are:

  • Respect
  • Politeness
  • Friendship
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Resilience

These six values underpin our 4Rs as we aim to provide a fulfilling learning ethos for the children in our school.